
Doesn't work for my setup

KirkH420 opened this issue · 1 comments

It' may be because I'm using LibreOffice portable, most of the extensions I've tried installing will lock up LibreOffice after I attempt to add/import them into the Extensions Manager. This happens with themes and it happened with OAuth. I've waited a good 15 minutes each time I've attempted to Add an extension, but the progressbar stops at 1/16th of the way from completion and the Extension Manager window will turn the famous windows white-out color with the (Not Responding) msg on the title bar. After 15 minutes or so of waiting, I'll force-close the program. Surprisingly, when I re-open LibreOffice, the Extension manager says the extension is installed. However I can't imagine these are good signs of a valid install. That being said.... the oneDriveoOo.oxt doesn't freeze LibreOffice. It takes a long time, but it does complete the install.

Whether it is or isn't installed, I changed the Open File Dialog to the native LibreOffice version as per the instructions, then tried pasting those links that were suggested. One of them causes LibreOffice to complain about java or something, but that wasn't listed as a requirement on the install page so I doubt that's the issue. I did see a little dropdown box that has "Google Drive" and "One Drive" listed in it and when selected it brings up a little box with UserShare/UserName/Password, but it doesn't connect.

I'm not interested in any full installers of any software, so If there's another requirement that I'm missing I probably just wont bother with it any further. As I mentioned before, this is a portable setup. I've actually got OneDrive mapped as a Network Drive right in my file explorer anyway.

Hi KirkH420,

Thank you for testing, it helps to improve the extensions.

Writing the new HsqlDBDriverOOo 0.0.4 caused regressions in gDriveOOo, oneDriveOOo and DropboxOOo extensions.
I had to correct this HsqlDBDriverOOo new version to work with gDriveOOo, oneDriveOOo and DropboxOOo.

OAuth2OOo must be updated to take into account the change in the OAuth2 API of Dropbox (this will be done soon).

gDriveOOo and oneDriveOOo seem to work with the following configuration:

  • Lubuntu LXQt 0.14.1
  • LibreOffice

I have never tested oneDriveOOo or gDriveOOo with a portable version of LibreOffice but maybe it can work...

You must follow the prerequisites and the order of installation

I'm closing this issue, you'll have to open another one if the problem persists.