
"409 Conflict can't start print right now"

Opened this issue · 17 comments

recurring occasional problem, sometimes things work, sometimes the file transfers, but it refuses to remotely start. Walk over to the printer and it prints just fine.

That seems to be the state of affairs right now for all platforms that are not the old Mk3S/Raspi combo. I have not been able to start one print from my XL without having to walk over and press print on the preview, which totally defeats the purpose of remote printing. Same for the Mini, where probably half the time the print starts and the other half it sits on the preview screen, or worse, it just craps out because the printer LCD is not showing one of the menus Prusalink likes.

This has got to be fixed ASAP.

It is frustrating, when you just quickly try to start a job before going to bed. No No No, "Cannot start print at this time" 409

Just for interests sake, my error listed above was caused by the 100% Complete dialogue still showing on the screen from the previous job. Once I dismissed that and went back to the main menu on the printer, it worked as expected.

I'm seeing the same issue on my device.
Looks like after finished print it just shows on LCD 100% complete and waits for user action, which causes conflict when interacting via web interface.

Model Prusa Mini+
Firmware: 4.4.1
API version {"api":"2.0.0","server":"2.1.2","text":"PrusaLink MINI","hostname":"PrusaMINI"}

I imagine a fix will be given priority, once the hectic time of a new model dies down a bit. :)

Pressing the "reset" button on the printer's control panel after every time you remove the last completed print job from the printer, gets rid of this error. Not a fix, but a work around.

As already said it is not only the print has finished 100% dialog, it also happens when you are not in the main/home screen.

Got the wifi for the Mini and thought it was cool that I didn't need Octoprint anymore, but still have to remember to dismiss the "print complete" when I clear the part or I run into this. Could imagine it might be possible to send some sort of gcode to dismiss that screen remotely but it would have to be something that could be done from PrusaLink UI.

mix579 commented

This affects all Buddy-based printers, not just the "old" Mini but also the "new" Mk4 and XL. It's mind boggling that it hasn't been fixed.

I just added remotely managed electric socket and turn it off/on after print is done 😆

well, it's the only way to fix it now without touching the printer, because there is no web API endpoint to restart the printer (or it does nothing or returns error, can't remember).

How is this still an issue? I can't imagine it's a complicated fix - have a setting for letting the "complete" screen timeout back to home screen? Have prusalink or prusa slicer connect override the screen? Seems like the only solution is a wifi switch to power cycle the printer.

This appears to be tracked here: prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy#2301

Looks like it's been fixed in the 5.0 alpha firmware for the mini, at least I haven't been seeing it again.