
Support webfinger / alias domains

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Currently debirdify seems to build links to profiles by just taking @A@B as https://B/@A. This doesn't work when the tag domain is different from the web interface domain, which is the case for my account.

The correct way to handle this seems to be webfinger, making a query like this:

This will return JSON with the correct profile URI, which can then be used to return the correct link.

This is tricky. I cannot afford to do a webfinger request for every single account found. Those can be hundreds or even thousands, and most Fediverse servers are horribly slow (some take over 5 seconds to respond).

Best I could do is try to cache this on a per-server basis. But it doesn't seem like there is a way to ask the server what the general pattern for these URLs is, just what the URL for a specific user is. Of course, what I could do there is try to look at e.g. what kind of URL it returns in .well-known/nodeinfo and assume that that one also works for the user profile. Works in your case, at least.

I know use the local_domain as provided by Fedifinder for this and it seems to work.