
Feature request: also check lists

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Would it be possible to fetch additional accounts from a user's saved lists? I use Tweetdeck, and read a large number of accounts by adding them to lists and displaying them in separate columns, without actually following them (because I don't want to clutter up my main feed). It would be helpful if these accounts could be added to the search.

Fedifinder already does it by now. I never used lists myself so I don't know anything about them, but it should definitely be possible and probably not too much work. I'll look into it, but I might not be able to before next weekend.

Now implemented as of 394b995 and live on the website.

Please try it and check if it works the way you want. Note that according to the current settings, Debirdify only loads up to 500 lists and up to 20,000 members from the lists you select. That should hopefully be enough – one could probably set this a bit higher if need be.

Thank you! I will check it out.