
Ability to save file before completing all the strings

Opened this issue · 4 comments

As in the title, It's hard to finish one file in one session, especially if it is a big file..

You should be able to save the file at any stage in translating by selecting "Save" from the overflow menu (the three dots). Does that not work for you?

Oops, I misread something! It says the fields in the settings.. Anyway it should work without the Mailing List, Right? And maybe the email. Ve can fill nothing If there is no Email or Mailing list or even the name!

Yeah, well, it's kind of required by every project that I know of. But maybe I'm mistaken, and it ought to be possible to save the file without filling in those fields.

By the way, I think that Ve closes the file when I rotate the tablet to landscape, The four buttons become disabled and the save button too. I can't write any translation either!
Also I think that the active plural form button should be highlighted..