
Problems with typescript

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I think the float-labels.js is great

I downloaded the project with npm install float-labels.js and then I loaded
the dist / float-labels.css and dist / float-labels.min.js with the web package, but for some reason you do not see the styles.

Additionally I also load the script.js file in my webpack and still it still does not work.

I understand that the project is done in javascript, but is there any way to use it in typescript with webpack?

This is the configuration file that I am loading


/** global: FloatLabels */

var floatlabels;
var toggleBtn = document.querySelector('.fl-toggle');
var styles = document.getElementsByName('style');

var getStyle = function () {
  for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; ++i) {
    if (styles[i].checked) {
      return styles[i].value;
  return 0;

floatlabels = new FloatLabels('.form-1', {
  style: getStyle(),


thank you very much

Why are you using the javascript from the demo? Just call it like this:

var floatlabels = new FloatLabels( '.form-1' );

I do not use Typescript so I cannot help you with that.
Regarding webpack, this may help: #25