
"FATAL main: unable to start beacon node: could not start modules: could not start DB: could not load genesis from file: version=0x80000069 not found in any known fork choice schedule: unable to find requested BeaconChainConfig"

junghyun0783 opened this issue · 8 comments

I am currently running two containers, Ethereum geth and prysm.
However, when I stopped the container and ran it again, a problem occurred.


I don't know why this problem occurs.
Even if I delete the prysm container and run it again, the problem occurs.
This is the current Prism docker run command. Is there something wrong?
The genesis file used to work fine, but suddenly it doesn't.

Please, experts, tell me why this error occurs.

This is the prysm docker creation command. Please refer to it.
docker run -it --name eth_beaconmain --network medalla -v /home/docker/container/mainnet/eth/prysmlog:/var/log/prysm -v /home/docker/container/mainnet/eth/genesis.ssz:/genesis/genesis.ssz -v /home/docker/container/mainnet/eth/prysm:/data -v /home/docker/container/mainnet/eth/jwt:/root -p 30020:4000 -p 30028:13000/tcp -p 30029:12000/udp prysmaticlabs/prysm-beacon-chain:latest --force-clear-db --datadir=/data --jwt-secret="/root/jwt.hex" --rpc-host= --grpc-gateway-host= --monitoring-host= --log-file=/var/log/prysm/prysmBeaconChain.log --execution-endpoint=http://eth_mainnet:8551 --genesis-state=/genesis/genesis.ssz

It seems genesis.ssz contains other fork id(0x80000069), which is not in prysm codebase.
Medalla network is deprecated: use other network or genesis.ssz

thank! Are you Korean? I am Korean.

If I use a different "genesis.ssz", will all the blocks I've received so far be lost?

If sync from genesis, yes.

Previously, synchronization was working fine.
However, after the internet was disconnected and rebooted, it stopped working.
Isn't it a genesiss.ssz problem?

I have a question.
I stopped the container in the middle of initialization.
Will this cause a problem?
The beacon initialization was going well, but I stopped the container for a while due to a network problem, and when I ran it again, it didn't work.
Will there be a problem if I stop it during initialization?

Thank you, I solved it.

I added the flags "--checkpoint-sync-url= --genesis-beacon-api-url=" and it worked.

Thanks for your help.