
getReportId / Authentication - Error in xmlParse(node) : empty or no content specified

RubenVezzoli opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, I'm trying to use your package, but I have an error message when I run the code you see below (which is based on your sample code).

The error message is:

Error in xmlParse(node) : empty or no content specified

###For authorization and access token###
credentials <- list(
  client_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  developer_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  customer_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  download_location = "C:\\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  filename = "",  #reportid followed by startdate followed by enddate
  startDate = format.Date(Sys.Date() - 7, "%Y-%m-%d"),
  endDate = format.Date(Sys.Date() - 1, "%Y-%m-%d")
credentials <- Authentication(credentials)

accounts <- 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'

report <- "KeywordPerformanceReportRequest"
columns <- c("AccountName", "CampaignName", "Impressions", "Clicks", "Spend")

reportId <- getReportId(credentials, report, columns, startDate, endDate)
downloadUrl <- getDownloadUrl(credentials, reportId)
df <- getDataFromURL(downloadUrl)