
[ISSUE]: OPL stopped launching entirely

Beta8088Proto opened this issue · 7 comments


Describe the issue

OPL stopped launching entirely. None of my versions of OPL launched at all. Multiple drives were tested, multiple versions of OPL were attempted.

Console launched OPL completely fine before, with the exact same settings and setup. Now OPL seemingly crashes before loading.

Console model


OPL version / revision

1.2 2179

In which device(s) have you experienced this issue?


Context and extra information

Previously functional OPL 1.2 install currently does not boot to the logo. Accesses storage devices, then hangs forever on a black screen. No settings were changed and all hardware devices tested working. Problem persists to multiple installed OPL installations on the card, and launching OPL from USB.

hold START on boot (will work on the latest beta)

On console boot? That brought up FreeMCBoot Configurator. Holding Start after attempting to launch OPL resulted in absolutely no change in behaviour.

Na inicialização do console? Isso abriu o FreeMCBoot Configurator. Segurar Start após tentar iniciar o OPL não resultou em nenhuma mudança no comportamento.

Try deleting OPL configuration files manually using uLaunchElf

On console boot? That brought up FreeMCBoot Configurator. Holding Start after attempting to launch OPL resulted in absolutely no change in behaviour.

I tested it here and it works normally


If everything has been resolved, you can now close this issue.

Issue unresolved. Issue persisted even after deleting OPL folder.


Try formatting the MemoryCard