
The expression of conditional prior and y-prior terms in the code.

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Hello, thanks for sharing. I've read the original paper about GMVAE. But I still don't know how to derive the conditional prior and y-prior terms as you did in the code. Can you explain more about the derivation?

Hi. In Section 4 of my Bachelor's dissertation you may find a description of the model proposed by Nat Dilokthanakul et al. Please, notice the naming of the variables we use differs from the one of the original paper. Then, in Appendix D of the dissertation you may find the full derivation of all the terms of the ELBO. Hope this helps!

Thanks a lot for your reply. That helps much. And what is the "log det" when simplify the terms D.1 in the Appendix D?

It refers to the log of the determinant of the covariance matrix (represented as sigma squared). Since we consider a mean field approximation for the distributions, the determinant of the covariance matrix is just the product of the terms in the diagonal. Hope this helps!