
Get FC operating info

ThirteenFish opened this issue · 5 comments

We should at least collect CPU temperature data, are there other things that we want? This should be a module in the FCF.

A hint. On the FC try this:

$ cat /sys/bus/platform/drivers/coretemp/coretemp.0/temp2_input

List of metrics we might want:

  • core temp (see above)
  • used RAM
  • file-system size df -H
  • CPU average 'load' over last second
  • throughput
  • on used RAM - multiple types
  • inode usage
  • disk io
  • "fc latency" -- tbd what this actually means.

We've decided this should come from a RNet that just happens to be co-located on the FC. That is a process that reads this information and sends it over udp to the FC program in socket. This is so that the process of acquiring any of this data has no chance of causing latency in the FC program itself.

First version of this working in c510dfe