- 0
- 0
Complete Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
#40 opened by JacobTiller - 1
Main Fuel Valve
#41 opened by JacobTiller - 0
Weld Tank Upper Support Bars
#35 opened by DylanStephens - 0
- 2
Prop-tank in-line pressurant diffusers
#37 opened by 7deeptide - 1
Isopropyl Alcohol Sources and Storage
#38 opened by MechBertrand - 2
- 2
Add GOX and Ethanol igniter solenoids
#31 opened by 7deeptide - 0
- 0
Machine LOX and Fuel tank Brackets
#34 opened by DylanStephens - 2
- 3
Test Preparation Phase: Build Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Operators Handbook
#16 opened by KyleMeeuwsen - 3
- 2
- 3
Encourage small frequent commits
#8 opened by matthewhauer - 3
- 1
Central Engine Notebook
#4 opened by matthewhauer - 2
Determine tank size for three LOX fills
#1 opened by matthewhauer - 3
(3) Test Preparation Phase: Create safety and handling proceedures for LFETS
#15 opened by matthewhauer - 1
- 4
(1) Acquisition Phase: Finish P&ID
#25 opened by KyleMeeuwsen - 1
(3) Test Preparation Phase: Need a coordinator to own writing of safety procedures
#21 opened by KyleMeeuwsen - 0
CAD Assembly has missing dependencies
#33 opened by 7deeptide - 0
- 0
(1) Acquistion Phase: Create a list of components that need to be procured
#14 opened by matthewhauer - 4
(2) Build Phase: CAD Layout
#12 opened by matthewhauer - 0
Turn TODO text file into tickets
#5 opened by matthewhauer - 1
- 0
- 2
- 1
(1) Acquisition Phase: Have not reviewed the BOM level PID with the group.
#19 opened by KyleMeeuwsen - 0
(1) Acquisition Phase: Determine whether the pressure regulators need to go before or after the solenoids
#20 opened by KyleMeeuwsen - 0
- 0
- 1
- 10
- 6
- 1
(1) Acquisition Phase: We do not have a pneumatically actuated Ethanol Valve
#11 opened by KyleMeeuwsen - 7
- 1
Add legend to PID
#3 opened by matthewhauer