
Interpolation Issues v1.061 Roman #2 - pcap diacritics height

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Interpolation Issues v1.061 Roman 2 - pcap diacritics height

File: JunicodeTwoBetaVF-Roman.ttf, v1.061 beta, 2023-07-10

Glyphs: /hcaron.pcap/hcircumflex.pcap/hdieresis.pcap/hdot.pcap/nacute.pcap/ncaron.pcap/ndot.pcap/ngrave.pcap/ntilde.pcap

Some of the pcap diacritics move with the Enlarge axis (like they are still lowercase).


p.s. forgot about the real pcaps - love them.

Bad anchors on U+0274 and U+029C. I have fixed them.

Thanks again!

The vertical height fix looks good for all for them.
But now I noticed the grave on the /ngrave.pcap is shifting left-and-right with the Enlarge axis.
This horizontal shift is in the GIF above, but I did not see it with the big vertical shift.

I noticed the grave on the /ngrave.pcap is shifting left-and-right with the Enlarge axis.

Looks like it is the anchors on the /ngrave.pcap,
Appears the /gravecomb is fine - it does not move by itself.

2023-07-24_19-01-09 ngrave pcap

I believe these have all been addressed (tested just now). Close if you agree.

Roman v1.069 /ngrave.pcap still has a moving grave like the GIF above.
glyph# 1544

Hmm. I thought it was a simple problem, but it's not. I haven't yet figured out what's going on: it may take some time.

Checked /ngrave.pcap in v2.000beta4 - and looks like you fixed it.
Closing this now.