A2DP with I2C doesnt work
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mutedh commented
Problem Description
Hello, i have one question, i use sigmadsp to control a dsp ADAU1701 with esp32-a1s but i think it doesnt work a2dp and i2c, . could be?
because when i use a2dp, the i2c doesnt send nothing.but if i dont use a2dp, the i2c send the information.
Device Description
AI-Thinker AudioKit, ADAU1701 from womdom
| SigmaDSP library |
| https://github.com/MCUdude/SigmaDSP |
| |
| 1_Volume1.ino |
| This example fades the volume up and down |
| using a slew volume adjustment slider. |
| See the SigmaStudio project file if you want |
| to learn more, tweak or do modifications. |
// Include Wire and SigmaDSP library
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SigmaDSP.h>
// Include generated parameter file
#include "SigmaDSP_parameters.h"
#include "AudioTools.h"
#include "AudioLibs/A2DPStream.h" // install https://github.com/pschatzmann/ESP32-A2DP
#include "AudioLibs/AudioBoardStream.h" // install https://github.com/pschatzmann/arduino-audio-driver
// The first parameter is the Wire object we'll be using when communicating wth the DSP
// The second parameter is the DSP i2c address, which is defined in the parameter file
// The third parameter is the sample rate
// An optional fourth parameter is the pin to physically reset the DSP
SigmaDSP dsp(Wire, DSP_I2C_ADDRESS, 48000.00f /*,12*/);
BluetoothA2DPSink a2dp_sink;
AudioBoardStream kit(AudioKitEs8388V1);
// Only needed if an external i2c EEPROM is present + the DSP is in selfboot mode
// The first parameter is the Wire object we'll be using when communicating wth the EEPROM
// The second parameter is the EEPROM i2c address, which is defined in the parameter file
// The third parameter is the EEPROM size in kilobits (kb)
// An optional fourth parameter is the pin to toggle while writing content to EEPROM
void read_data_stream(const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) {
kit.write(data, length);
void setup()
Serial.println(F("SigmaDSP 1_Volume example\n"));
Serial.println(F("Pinging i2c lines...\n0 -> deveice is present\n2 -> device is not present"));
Serial.print(F("DSP response: "));
//Serial.print(F("EEPROM ping: "));
// Use this step if no EEPROM is present
Serial.print(F("\nLoading DSP program... "));
auto cfg = kit.defaultConfig(TX_MODE);
cfg.sd_active = false;
// register callback
a2dp_sink.set_stream_reader(read_data_stream, false);
// Comment out the three code lines above and use this step instead if EEPROM is present
// The last parameter in writeFirmware is the FW version, and prevents the MCU from overwriting on every reboot
//ee.writeFirmware(DSP_eeprom_firmware, sizeof(DSP_eeprom_firmware), 0);
//delay(2000); // Wait for the FW to load from the EEPROM
void loop()
// Slowly adjust the volume down to -50dB
Serial.println(F("Fading down"));
for(int8_t i = 0; i > -51; i--)
dsp.volume_slew(MOD_SWVOL1_ALG0_TARGET_ADDR, i, 12); // (First volume slider address, dB value, optional slew value)
// Slowly adjust the volume up to 0dB
Serial.println(F("Fading up"));
for(int8_t i = -50; i < 1; i++)
dsp.volume_slew(MOD_SWVOL1_ALG0_TARGET_ADDR, i); // Slew rate is default 12
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