
First run yarn install Then build the cairo contracts:

cd starknet
scarb build

On a second monitor, run an L1 node on

Then, run the test: yarn hardhat test --network localhost

The test will error with "0x... is not deployed".

This is because the test does this:

  1. In the first test, deploy a starknetCommit on L1, as well as an authenticator on L2. Commit on L1, flush (will send the message to L2). Everything works perfectly.
  2. In the second test, start by restarting thde starknet devnet. Re-deploy the authenticator on L2. Commit on L1, flush. This will error, because calling flush will load the message from test 1.

I believe in an ideal world we would not be loading the messages from test 1 because they were sent before we re-started the L2 devnet. I don't know if it's something possible or not, but I just find this behaviour non-intuitive.

If we wanted to have the test working, we would need to either 1) re-deploy the starknetCommit on L1 or 2) load L1 from a dump file everytime we reset L2.