

Primary LanguageAssembly

War: a polymorphic virus (for ELF64 files)

War is a polymorphic virus that infects ELF64 files (linux-native 64 bits executables). It is written only in asm (intel flavor).


  • Infect /tmp/test and /tmp/test2 directories
  • Does not modify the behaviour of the infected file
  • The infection simply adds a signature and adds its own code to the target (auto-replication)
  • Does not run if a process test is running
  • Displays DEBUG... if the process is traced (gdb, strace...)


First start by creating the target folders:

mkdir /tmp/test ; mkdir /tmp/test2

Copy the elf files you wish to infect:

cp /bin/ls /tmp/test; cp /bin/gcc /tmp/test2

Now compile the virus and run it: make ; ./war

Check that the files were correctly infected: strings /tmp/test/ls | grep 'pscott' strings /tmp/test2/gcc | grep 'pscott'

Since the virus auto-replicates, you can now infect those folders by running the infected files.

Copy a new binary: cp /bin/cat /tmp/test2

Run an infected binary: /tmp/test/ls

Check that the file was correctly infected: strings /tmp/test2/cat | grep 'pscott'


This virus is not harmful and was coded strictly for learning purposes.


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