
The configuration file could not be found

awebdeveloper opened this issue · 9 comments

I tried the following and it gives me the below error

curl -LSs | php
php box.phar build

The configuration file could not be found.

build [-c|--configuration="..."]

I also tried the following but looks like configuration is some kind of json file
php box.phar build --configuration="/etc/php5/cli/php.ini"

This sounds like the Box build handling can't find a configuration file, not that the scanner can't run. Is this correct?

I am still in the build process and not scan

Hmm, interesting....and you're doing this from the root of the iniscan clone? I just tried it and it cooperated fine here.

Same here...

$ cd ~/src/iniscan
$ composer.phar require psecio/iniscan
$ curl -LSs | php
$ php box.phar build

The configuration file could not be found.

build [-c|--configuration="..."]

$ git clone ~/src/iniscan
$ cd ~/src/iniscan
Composer vendor folder pre-install:
$ composer install
Build box --verbose:
$ box build -v
? Adding main file: ....../bin/iniscan
? Generating new stub...
? Setting file permissions...
* Done.

Aha. With git clone, and ALSO php -d phar.readonly=0 box.phar, yes, it works. With composer.phar require psecio/iniscan, it doesn't. Perhaps the author should post full, correct instructions for box-ing iniscan.

👍 encountered the same behaviour as described on the original post. Cloning the repository solved the problem.

Is everyone okay with closing this one out?

No response from other folks on the thread, assuming it's good. Closing.