
Adding Plotly and dash to this app?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

What is your thought on this?

I'm using IB Gateway, so I will not have access to the TWS's candlesticks and various tools. After we start the bot, it may not be a bad ideas to plot some candlestick on Django. There is some github stuff about Django Instant, plotly-dash-django using tag. Even some real time display of Dataframe would be helpful as it is now just a black box to me, :)

Again, nothing urgent, may be we can start creating a Labels called Request/Enhancement to track that.

Even without that, this is going to be a lot of potential for this project.

On second thought, this is not necessary as I could use TWS or other charting tools. Do this in this app is not ideal and make the codes much more complicated than necessary

vbt is also very good to plot things in jupyter. I also think it would be a bit the overkill to put that in django.