
24 tests fail

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Version: 0.14.0
FreeBSD 14.0

From that log, the failing tests really just look like mypy errors (not actual unit test failures).

Could you provide some more context here? We'll make an effort to diagnose those, but they aren't indicative of regressions or errors in the release itself.

This happened in the context of the FreeBSD ports framework - the www/py-cachecontrol port is being tested.

These mypy-related packages are installed:

py39-mypy-1.8.0                Optional static typing for Python
py39-mypy_extensions-1.0.0     Experimental type system extensions for programs
py39-pytest-mypy-0.10.3        Mypy static type checker plugin for pytest

Okay, thanks for the extra context. I'm not sure if we do (or ever have) supported a pytest-mypy path -- I believe our CI runs tox -e mypy or similar. It's possible that running it through the pytest plugin causes some configuration settings to be dropped, causing these errors.