
Passwords filled with iOS password management aren't recognized properly

erik-hasse opened this issue · 4 comments

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Current behavior:

Filling my password with the built-in iOS password filling doesn't register that anything is in the field. This means the privacy dots are overlayed with the "Password" prompt, and trying to login shows "Password is required"

Expected behavior:

Only privacy dots are displayed, tapping Login proceeds as expected

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to login page
  2. Tap email address field
  3. Use the iOS prompt to fill the password
  4. Try to log in

Related code:

Other information:

iOS 16.3.1, App Version 1.0.2 (and ran the update from the about page)

Ionic info: (run ionic info from a terminal/cmd prompt and paste output below):

Hmmm, I just tested 1.0.2 + live update, 16.4 with bitwarden and saw success.

@erik-hasse has this persisted in the latest build?

I just tried with the latest live update and it's still happening 😢

Okay, that sucks. I'll have to rely on an iPhone user to debug that, being an Android user myself.