
Content not displaying from Entries List to Entries Reader

ernestmcd opened this issue · 5 comments

I've been trying to get the News4ward extensions working with an install of Contao 3.1.4 for an Elementary school I work with. No matter what I do, when entries are clicked from the Entries List the Entries Reader does not display the content.

There is a warning about making sure that GlobalContentelements is installed, but I've had nothing but problems trying to carry over outdated 2.11.x extensions into Contao 3.1.x and soon 3.2.x. An example is the boxes4ward extension which I used to use extensively on sites, but now have had to replace that functionality with Article modules which work "good enough". I keep running into errors on the 3.1.x platform and have elected to use only extensions that are updated for the backend.

I believe that the functionality of the News4ward extension should be like the News module as to the way it works between the News list and the News reader. This functionality should NOT require use of a 2.11.9 extension for production sites.

Do you have any suggestions on how to get this working without using an outdated 2.11 extension to keep it going? I realize that the changes in the Contao backend have caused problems for extension developers and web developers like me, and I certainly appreciate the effort you've put into this extension. I believe it has a not of potential.

Any thoughts you have would be appreciated. Right now I'm parking the News4ward extension and using the Contao News modules to create a basic blog for the site, but I definitely would prefer the News4ward extension.

Best, Ernest McDermon

Seems you have a VERY old version of News4ward! DO NOT install GlobalContentelements in any Contao Veryion > 3.0! You can not use a News4ward or Boxes4ward release which was for Contao 2!

Best way is use Composer to install your stuff.
You can also download a release from Github

Thanks for the quick comeback! The version of news4ward that I installed came from the extension repository, which still lists version 2.1.0 as the release version. I recommend that you update it. I do have Composer installed on a number of websites, but it is still not supported by Contao (it is only in "Beta 3" version, not recommended for production sites) and has some issues of its own (I don't believe it can be "uninstalled", doesn't support commercial Contao extensions, is NOT supported by "Installatron" (major time saver for web developers), and is not always consistent in selecting the correct version of the extension to be installed for the Contao platform's release version and dependency extensions. More often than not Compser defaults to the current release of an extension, when the correct one for the platform is one or two versions back. It is very good, much faster than the old installer client, and I'm looking forward to the day it becomres part of the Contao "core".

Again, thanks! I've enjoyed your extensions, and hope to continue to use them. I'll get the update version installed and provide feedback. Best, Ernest McDermon

Updating the old Repository costs too much time! As long as nobody helps me updating it, i dont support it anymore.

Hey I'm with you on this...may I offer the suggestion that you post a notice on each of the extensions that you have in the Contao repository that you are no longer updating your extensions in the repository, and if the user wants the current version of the extension go to the News4ward Github folder for the current download package(s)?

I think that would save you and your fans (like me) time and effort.

I'm still working on the extension, the Entries List is now working with the reader, but the Comments package is not dislaying, I'm going to delete the extensions cleanly and try reinstalling them. The code on the page after updating the extensions doesn't match what I'm seeing on your demo site. Probably corruption with the update, or a file is there that shouldn't be.

I'm not in a position to help you with the repository, but if you need help on documentation for configuring the News4ward extensions in English or, I'm a very good writer and will be happy to help you in this effort as time permits.

Docu is always a good point, please speak to me via Skype: psitrax