
Allow OMEMO usage in MUC when not all keys are known

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I have one private MUC with some 15 members where we are using OMEMO. The OMEMO button for that MUC is greyed out however even though I can read OMEMO encrypted messages.

As far as I understood related discussions, Psi expects to have keys of all MUC participants before it allows to send OMEMO encrypted messages? That can be a problem because at least in my MUC some participants are online very sporadically and that will block sending encrypted messages to everybody else in that MUC. Would it be possible to change the implementation to allow sending encrypted messages even though not all recipients would be able to read it?

Try Psi+ 1.4.1299 or newer please.

Sorry, had totally overlooked your response. Just tried Psi+ 1.4.1439 on a new MacBook (no previous accounts configured), installed with Homebrew. The OMEMO button remains grayed out and when I hover over it, it says "OMEMO encryption is not available for this group".

@kssytsrk: Can you look this ticket?

FWIW, I just recently tried 1.5.1519 and the issue persists.