
[OMEMO] Protected MUC Room OMEMO enabled, the sender does not see sent OMEMO messages | Identical MUC Room

Neustradamus opened this issue · 3 comments

Psi / Psi+
OMEMO enabled
2 XMPP Accounts in the same client
1 MUC Room: muc@conference.domain.tld
Tab 1: testaccount@domain1.tld connected on muc@conference.domain.tld
Tab 2: testaccount@domain2.tld connected on muc@conference.domain.tld

I have edited the ticket after 2 commits which have solved some bugs:

Protected MUC Room OMEMO enabled, the sender does not see sent messages.

To test:

  • Install Psi+

  • Add a first and a second account

  • Enable OMEMO (currently it is to all, not possible to enable by account)

  • Connect your accounts

  • Speak with accounts after several steps... you have verified fingerprints

  • Create a protected muc room (with password...) with the first account, add settings to have protected muc room etc.

  • Connect to the protected muc room with the first and the second account

  • Send message with the first account and the second, normally no problem OMEMO is disabled:

User1 (tab 1) see the sent message:

[XX:XX:00] <User1> message1

User2 (tab 2) see the received message:

[XX:XX:00] <User1> message1

User2 (tab 2) see the sent message:

[XX:XX:05] <User2> message2

User1 (tab 1) see the received message:

[XX:XX:05] <User2> message2
  • In the first account tab, enable OMEMO, send an OMEMO message:

User1 (tab 1) see the sent message:

[XX:XX:20] ***  OMEMO encryption is enabled
[XX:XX:20] <User1> omemo-message1

User2 (tab 2) see the received message:

[XX:XX:20] ***  OMEMO encryption is enabled
[XX:XX:20] <User1> omemo-message1
  • In the second account tab, enable OMEMO Encryption and send an OMEMO message:

User2 (tab 2) does not see the OMEMO sent message:

There is nothing

User1 (tab 1) see the received message:

[XX:XX:20] <User2> omemo-message2

Linked to:

cc: @Ri0n, @Vitozz, @tehnick, @stigger, @kssytsrk.

You can look here (lurch):

So, this is an "interoperation of OMEMO plugin with 2 accounts on one Psi+ instance" type of bug, right? I can reproduce these problems (aside from the last one which is present in any case) with 1 instance of Psi+ (running 2 accounts), but not with 2 different instances of Psi+ (each running one account).

@kssytsrk: Thanks to confirm the bugs :)

ОМЕМО не юзаю. наверно потому и не сталкивался с этим