
Integrate Pull Request for closing off click

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Are you able to add in this pull request to your build? I have about 8 selects on a page and if you click on one, and then another, they all just stay open.

This pull looks like it will address the issue by closing others when clicking on a new one.



Sure I can request the creator of that PR to open a PR to my fork as well

Actually I was just able to create a PR anyway #13

However there are merge conflicts. Maybe you or someone else could create another PR that resolves those merge conflicts. I'm betting the conflicts aren't anything major.

I will try and figure that out - pretty new to git so I will need to determine what those conflicts are to be able to address them. Will try and update you shortly.

@carlhussey hey sorry I went on vacation and forgot to reply, but I meant to tell you if you ever want help I don't mind hopping on a screenshare.