
Feature Request: frequency scale

Opened this issue · 1 comments

In a program for creating spectrograms called spek the output looks like the following:

I was wondering whether adding a frequency scale as seen on the left in the image to this library as well or if it's not a functionality wanted in this library whether it would be feasible for me to add it given that my dsp knowledge is rather limited.

I was using a shell script and the sox program to generate these spectrograms with frequency scales before to try and determine whether the quality of a flac or mpeg file is genuine hence the need for a frequency scale. I would now like to rewrite this functionality in rust for better programmability and speed.

That’s something someone else has mentioned previously. I’m not against adding such functionality as long as it’s behind a non-default feature. This is because adding such a feature would possibly require adding quite a few additional dependencies, and quite possibly platform dependencies. Ideally, the solution would be platform independent, or operating system agnostic.

I don’t have time to implement, but you are welcome to submit a pull request for this.