
Add 856 (first indicator 4, second indicator blank) to the fulltext link

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Learned that we have some old records with less-good data where the first indicator is 4 but the second indicator is blank. Those aren't being indexed by any of our logic right now. Cataloger familiar with the records says that these should be indexed as fulltext links (vs. version of resource or related).

Basically, treat 856|4 like 856|40. (note, we need to be sure it's blank vs. wildcard!)

Example record:

@ruthtillman could you please update the rules here
To clarify, current rule is (*0 OR ** ) and with this change added we will have (*0 OR *<blank> OR ** ). Does this look right?

@banukutlu yes I think that should work. I worry a little that it should be just 4<blank> but I think that * will be ok 99% of the time.