
Add OCLC ID cross-reference

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Adding 035z and 019a to the identifiers search will allow people to search OCLC # cross-references. These are deprecated identifiers, often from merges, which may still be the identifier that the person searching has on-hand. However, 019s can contain some really bad historical data, so we will need to run a regex and only index ones in which the field only contains numbers and those numbers can be 3-15 numbers, anything longer than that is probably a different number.

Also, there can be overlap between 035zs and 019as, so we will probably need to unique it if we're not already?


  • Searching for a deprecated OCLC identifier (035z or 019a) in the identifiers advanced search field returns the appropriate item

(they'll also be in keyword search, but that'll be handled by #181 )

Sample data:


  • catkey 22621759: 265439141, 660069515
  • catkey 432730: 10194249, 10265210, 14780806, 20694489, 23322680, 33075119, 41574240
  • catkey: 5973408: 52944261, 74270573, 156823507, 191928018, 449859090


  • catkey: 18158600: 982166495, 1004793185, 1011112561, 1066476482, 1066483523 (note, these are all in one field, repeating subfield a -- there's another 019 that's... MARS)
  • catkey: 426356: 258994, 9795777, 10601074, 56416291, 212324284, 221616458, 221874331, 222647407, 228671499, 231051888, 232576977, 320803143, 663056427, 684742283, 700287900, 748679626, 752959506, 769265324, 770876040, 774895605, 775455212, 780713141, 796999334, 799150396, 827454568, 829063228, 839666159, 841354703, 864664601, 868202318, 875650663, 877408023, 880952450, 882607987, 884429176, 890961781, 894653084, 894770863, 895365169, 897425541, 900318121, 900527964, 950903106, 958368527, 1061067521, 1065035760, 1116048388, 1160098034, 1179683711 1223547243, 1223922992, 1238121421
  • catkey: 5973408: 52944261, 74270573, 156823507, 191928018, 449859090