Dependency Dashboard
renovate opened this issue · 0 comments
renovate commented
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These dependencies are deprecated:
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
- Update dependency babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3 to v0.10.6
- Update dependency rimraf to v5.0.10
- Update dependency styled-components to v6.1.12
- Update babel monorepo (
) - Update dependency core-js to v3.38.0
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y to v6.9.0
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.35.0
- Update dependency webpack to v5.93.0
- Update yarn monorepo (
) - Update chromaui/action action to v11
- Update dependency @testing-library/react to v16
- Update dependency eslint to v9
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-jest to v28
- Update dependency execa to v9
- Update dependency flow-typed to v4
- Update dependency rimraf to v6
- Update dependency stylelint-config-standard-scss to v13
- Update dependency symlink-dir to v6
- Update dependency yo to v5
- Update peaceiris/actions-gh-pages action to v4
- Update storybook monorepo (major) (
) - 🔐 Create all rate-limited PRs at once 🔐
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- Update dependency @geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges to v0.6.0
- Update dependency eslint to v8.57.0
- Update dependency flow-bin to v0.243.0
- Update Yarn to v4
- Update dependency @geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges to v2
- Update dependency @mdx-js/react to v3
- Update dependency @storybook/testing-react to v2
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-mdx to v3
- Update dependency jest to v29
- Update dependency stylelint to v16
- Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once
Detected dependencies
actions/checkout v4
actions/upload-artifact v4
actions/download-artifact v4
peaceiris/actions-gh-pages v3
actions/checkout v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/upload-artifact v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/download-artifact v4
codecov/codecov-action v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/download-artifact v4
chromaui/action v10
@babel/core 7.24.5
@babel/eslint-parser 7.24.5
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties 7.18.6
@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators 7.24.1
@babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from 7.24.1
@babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator 7.18.6
@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread 7.20.7
@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining 7.21.0
@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods 7.18.6
@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object 7.21.11
@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import 7.8.3
@babel/plugin-syntax-flow 7.24.1
@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions 7.24.1
@babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping 7.24.5
@babel/plugin-transform-classes 7.24.5
@babel/plugin-transform-destructuring 7.24.5
@babel/plugin-transform-for-of 7.24.1
@babel/plugin-transform-parameters 7.24.5
@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx 7.23.4
@babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties 7.24.1
@babel/plugin-transform-spread 7.24.1
@babel/preset-env 7.24.5
@babel/preset-flow 7.24.1
@babel/preset-react 7.24.1
@geometricpanda/storybook-addon-badges 0.2.2
@mdx-js/react 1.6.22
@storybook/addon-actions 6.5.16
@storybook/addon-docs 6.5.16
@storybook/addon-essentials 6.5.16
@storybook/addon-interactions 6.5.16
@storybook/addon-links 6.5.16
@storybook/addons 6.5.16
@storybook/api 6.5.16
@storybook/builder-webpack5 6.5.16
@storybook/client-api 6.5.16
@storybook/components 6.5.16
@storybook/jest 0.2.3
@storybook/manager-webpack5 6.5.16
@storybook/preview-web 6.5.16
@storybook/react 6.5.16
@storybook/testing-library 0.2.2
@storybook/testing-react 1.3.0
@storybook/theming 6.5.16
@testing-library/react 14.3.1
@yarnpkg/sdks 3.1.2
app-root-path 3.1.0
babel-loader 9.1.3
babel-plugin-macros 3.1.0
babel-plugin-module-resolver 5.0.2
babel-plugin-named-exports-order 0.0.2
babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3 0.10.4
concurrently 8.2.2
core-js 3.37.0
cross-env 7.0.3
cross-spawn 7.0.3
eslint 8.13.0
eslint-config-airbnb 19.0.4
eslint-import-resolver-webpack 0.13.8
eslint-plugin-flowtype 8.0.3
eslint-plugin-import 2.29.1
eslint-plugin-jest 27.9.0
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y 6.8.0
eslint-plugin-mdx 1.17.1
eslint-plugin-react 7.33.2
eslint-plugin-react-hooks 4.6.2
eslint-plugin-storybook 0.8.0
execa 8.0.1
flow-bin 0.176.2
flow-typed 3.9.0
generator-leetcode-storybook 0.0.12
http-server 14.1.1
jest 27.5.1
jest-specific-snapshot 8.0.0
lodash 4.17.21
markdown-to-jsx 7.4.7
react 18.3.1
react-dom 18.3.1
react-is 18.3.1
require-from-string 2.0.2
rimraf 5.0.5
slash 5.1.0
styled-components 6.1.11
stylelint 14.16.1
stylelint-config-standard-scss 7.0.1
stylelint-config-styled-components 0.1.1
symlink-dir 5.2.1
vsc-leetcode-cli 2.8.1
webpack 5.90.2
yo 4.3.1
yarn 3.8.2
yarn 3.8.2
- Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository