
FR: Customize Zabbix Server Port and Encryption

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi !

My Zabbix Server instance is not running on the default port. It would be nice to customize this as an ENV in the docker-compose.yaml.

In docker-compose.yaml just add:


and in container/bin/send :

	if [ "$ZABBIX_SENDER_DEBUG" == "True" ]; then
-		php status.php | zabbix_sender -vv -z $ZABBIX_SERVER -i -
+		php status.php | zabbix_sender -vv -z $ZABBIX_SERVER -p $ZABBIX_SERVER_PORT -i -
-		php status.php | zabbix_sender -z $ZABBIX_SERVER -i -
+		php status.php | zabbix_sender -z $ZABBIX_SERVER -p $ZABBIX_SERVER_PORT -i -

Works perfectly for me !

Good point @Pitastic - let me check this in the next days. I've put it to my todo list. :-) Thanks for your message.

If we're talking about more settings would also be nice to add (at least) TLS PSK encryption. Seems like bad practice to send such information unencrypted over the Internet (when Zabbix is not on the same network like in my case).

Therefore slightly more changes are necessary. I would like to implement both changes in a PR, what do you think?

I'll take a look into these as well


ich hatte die Änderungen schon im Kopf und lokal ausprobiert. Bis zum Pull Request war es dann nicht mehr weit (ich hoffe, du hast dich damit noch nicht beschäftigt).

PR: #15