

rpavlovs opened this issue · 4 comments

Getting dependency issues with other libraries that use google mobile services: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzas;

Change react-native-idfa/android/build.gradle to pull in latest version of play-services-ads

Rather than to enforce a particular version which might be conflicting to others my suggestion is to use overriding in your app/build.gradle

configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
if (details.getRequested().getGroup() == '') {
// If different projects require different versions of
// Google Play Services it causes a crash on run.
// Fix by overriding version for all projects.


I’ve seen that approach, but thought latest would be a better default. That’s what all other packages that I use seems to do.

Is version 9.8.0 significant is some way?

I don’t mind increasing it since I use a strategy resolver for handling it my self. But there might be other libraries affecting your gms dependencies if you do not pin it.

Thank you! Will keep that in mind