
PatternLayout not display few value

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I've been using Log4ALA for a few weeks now and I couldn't find a solution to my issue.

This is my appender configuration:

    <appender name="Log4ALASignavioSyncAppender" type="Log4ALA.Log4ALAAppender, Log4ALA" >
      <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
        <conversionPattern value="DateValue=%date;LogId=%property{MessageId};EventType=%property{EventType};Level=%-5level;Logger=%logger;method=%M;message=%message;" />
      <workspaceId value="XXXXXX" />
      <SharedKey value="XXXXX" />
      <logType value="XYZZXCZXCZ" />

      <logMessageToFile value="true"/>
      <disableAnonymousPropsPrefix value="true"/>
      <batchWaitMaxInSec value="300"/>

As you can see I'm using a PatternLayout with some out of the box fields like %M (Method) and a couple of custom fields like MessageId and EventType that I set in my application using the code:

            log4net.ThreadContext.Properties[MessageIdKey] = "xyz";
            log4net.ThreadContext.Properties[EventType] = "abc";

Long story short, I never find these three fields in the Azure log. I tried to add a Console appender and I can see all the fields correctly.

I tried to sniff my app using Fiddler and I can see that these 3 fields are not passed in the request, please see this screenshot:



What am I doing wrong?


Hi @middiu ,

quick answer ;-) could you see any PatternLayout using in my examples? The answer is Log4ALA doesn't support PatternLayout... you should assign the properties in the log message itself.

Best regards,

Hi @moberacker ,
thanks for your quick response.

I saw a commented example with PatternLayout in your readme so I though it was support :)

BTW, how hard would it be to implement it? that would be a really big plus. In this was you can leave the JSON format in the PatternLayout and you can simply log the message from your application. How good that would be? :)

Have a think, I think it's worth it


Hi @middiu,

the commented example with PatternLayout refers to an LogentriesAppender as error logger (errLoggerName=... ) an optional name of an logger to log internal errors to e.g. logentries.

Using the Diagnostic Context to log additional fields with log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["****"] isn't recommended for high volume logging on a production application...because it could slow down the performance.

Bu I'll think about it.

Best regards,

not necessarily log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["****"], but for example logging the method name or the class where the log is generated can be really important when troubleshooting. isn't it?

Thanks a lot

I'll take a closer look with the next version

hey mate, how is this going? have you decided if implementing this or not? any ETA?

Thanks a lot!