Accessories: No response after a while
Stianker1 opened this issue · 27 comments
Hello. After the last update, i have noticed that 1-2 times a day all my verisure components get "no respons". I then have to restart homebridge to get them online again. Is this a known problem, or am i the only one?
Thank you again for this lovely plugin. Makes life a little easier 🙌🏼
Please share your experience with detailed description and logs.
Thanks for reaching out. Is this affecting all accessories? I’m experiencing something similar.
Nothing in the logs?
Hi and thanks for your efforts for support the new Veriesure APIs so quickly.
I have used your plugin for a long time without any issues.
After a few hours of usage the accessories become unresponsive. I have not found a way to reproduce it yet.
[3/21/2023, 5:58:09 PM] [homebridge-verisure] xxx SmartPlug (Vitrinskåp): Getting current switch state. [3/21/2023, 5:58:17 PM] [homebridge-verisure] xxx SmartPlug (Vitrinskåp): Setting switch state to: true [3/21/2023, 5:58:17 PM] [homebridge-verisure] xxx SmartPlug (Vitrinskåp): Error setting switch state: undefined
Not sure if it is related but after the upgrade I moved Verisure to a new child bridge?
Affecting all accessories. No error in log. I get the same log output that user d3linma is.
I have a feeling that it's related to cookies and/or Verisure switching hosts between 01
& `02. Enabled extensive logging in my environment yesterday and have not yet been able to replicate the issue. Ofc.
Will keep debugging.
I love this plug in and I appreciate the work you all do. I installed the update as soon you released it and and everthing was fine, but today my HomeKit also shows no response for the (verisure) smart lock. All other homebridge plugins are still working.
Same issue here. Today even restarting homebridge is not fixing the issue...
Same issue here. Today even restarting homebridge is not fixing the issue...
That's interesting. So far, a restart have fixed it. Anything in your logs?
Same issue here. Today even restarting homebridge is not fixing the issue...
That's interesting. So far, a restart have fixed it. Anything in your logs?
Nothing in the logs.
Re-ran the npx homebridge-verisure. Some values were different, but after restart it still did not work.
Had to force-quit the And again all the verisure details moved from all assigned rooms to a "Default room".
btw I had to restart the homebridge instance every day since 2.0
Thanks for the info. My instance still works, 20 hours and counting without seeing any "No response" error.
(..) all the verisure details moved from all assigned rooms to a "Default room".
— I noticed that, too. I put my smart lock back to my room and then it was in no response.
Mine worked for a long time, but today it stopped responding again
I’m also seeing this. No errors in the logs and a restart of the bridge running Verisure fixes it. Has happened twice since installing 2.0.0
edit: Just to clarify. I’m seeing no response on all Verisure devices
I have the same problem with my door lock after 2.0.0.
After several hours it stops responding in HomeKit and there is nothing in log.
A restart of Homebridge and it's up and running again for some hours then it stops again.
I'm also experiencing this. No errors in the logs, just the good old "Getting current x y z value" every 30 seconds. A restart solves the problem.
Will do some digging of the requests from the native app to see if there's anything going on with the URLs etc.
Super strange (inconsistent), since I started logging all requests and responses, my instance haven't had any issues for more than five days. Now I've restarted in hope to reproduce the issue.
Cross your fingers 🤞
I have the same problem with my door lock after 2.0.0.
After several hours it stops responding in HomeKit and there is nothing in log.
A restart of Homebridge and it's up and running again for some hours then it stops again.
A little update - I kept my homebridge running and suddenly my Doorlock was online agian for several hours (without restart of Homebridge) but this morning the status was again "no response" in Home Kit.
About 3 days later and all devices were unresponsive for me again. Very strange
I just checked after reading @ZEEN0j's comment and can confirm all devices are unresponsive here as well.
Update: restarting Homebridge fixed it for me. Not ideal of course.
Same here, finally. I’ll dig into the debug logs tonight 🥳
Same here, finally. I’ll dig into the debug logs tonight 🥳
Same here. Do we all have the same issue at the same time...
Ok, I believe we got it, HTTP 200 with errors:
message: 'Request Failed',
locations: [ [Object] ],
path: [ 'installation', 'armState', 'name' ],
data: {
status: 503,
logTraceId: '…',
errorCode: 'SYS_00004',
errorMessage: 'XBN Database is not activated'
Just want to say I appreciate what you are doing. Awesome work and thanks again
Thanks @ptz0n
Great work you are doing👍
Une solution ? Même problème également?
Please update to v2.0.1