
Document SpreadsheetLayers and spin out Leaflet.SpreadsheetLayer as a stand-alone Leaflet library

jywarren opened this issue · 4 comments

@kevinzluo made a fantastic component for this library which really deserves to be its own Leaflet Plugin. Let's do it!

See a recent minimal Leaflet plugin I created here for reference:

Read more here:

We could make it in this repository:

I made a test spreadsheet here:

Docs could be as follows, roughly:

### Spreadsheet-based layers

We can source locations from a spreadsheet in a format like this:

| Title  | Latitude | Longitude   | Notes             |
| First	 | 29.671282 | -95.17829  | The first marker  |
| Second | 29.760371 | -95.504828 | The second marker |
| Third  | 29.917755 | -95.283494 | The third marker  |

The layer is constructed like this:

var layer = L.SpreadsheetLayer({
  url: '', // String url of data sheet
  lat: 'Latitude', // name of latitude column
  lon: 'Longitude', // name of longitude column
  columns: ['Title', 'Notes'], // Array of column names to be used
  generatePopup: function() {
    // function used to create content of popups
  // imageOptions: // optional, defaults to blank
  // sheetNum: // optional, defaults to 0 (first sheet)

Read more here:

There are other libraries that do parts of this, but I still think this is an elegant and flexible implementation that's worth spinning out:

Note that I'm having trouble instantiating a new layer... not sure why it's not working. @kevinzluo why does this have to be a LayerGroup?

No issue @kevinzluo, we understand your situation and you are most welcome to contribute anytime, as per your convenience. Thanks!