
Add vital option to playback video while it is downloading: this is the most important feature the biggest challenge problematic capital vital life saver for users who have weak weak internet connection please : the sequential download feature to watch temporary video while downloading !

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Hello, I don't know what happens with chromium, this is sad, this is absolute disaster catastrophe, i can't no more playback video while downloading in recent update of chromium kernel 131!

in chromium 124, i can see the temporary video in donwload folder and i can can playback temporary video while downloadig (in Thorium legacy browser), but i can't no more see the temporary video in donwload folder in the updated chromium 126 kernel used by Supermium .....

so sadly I no longer see the temporary video in the download folder, it is vital for me because my internet connection is very weak and online streaming videos jerk lag in the browser and the download of the video can be very slow and I do not want wait for the video to finish downloading....

so i have found solution : my secret was to go to the m3u8 parser settings of Cat-Catch extension, I activate the "stream download" option and I deactivate "ffmpeg transcod" but my trick no longer works in the recent update of chromium kernel 131 i.e. in Catsxp browser.....

so we hope please that the generous compassionate magnificent Mr @puemos will invent a trick, a way, an option for Live-Stream-Downloader to show us the temporary video being downloaded so that we can playback it while its sequential download, or display a temporary folder where we can see the temporary video please, because even preview setting of Cat-Catch with potlayer in firefox ou preview with vlc with Open in vlc extension lags jerks because my internet connection is so weak, it's the only solution please ie display the sequential download of the temporary video in the download folder, thank you!

maybe it will even be useful to contact @chromium @google teams, I am not not a developer, so I don't know how to discuss with ex about the technical details of this problem, thanks!

in June before my main laptop broke down (I'm currently using catsxp web browser in my old eee pc windows 7 os 32 bts ), I was using Coo Coc browser which has an internal media downloader that allowed sequential download and I could see the temporary video in the download folder, i.e. I can see the temporary hls video with a lot of video fragments that coc coc browser unifies them into a single temporary video file that I could playback while it was downloading, so this is the technical proof that it is possible to display the temporary hls video while it is downloading in the download folder!!!

@chrome @MicrosoftEdge @chromium please you risk losing market share to formidable competitors like Coc Coc browser, please help extension developers like Mr @puemos to fix this vital issue to display temporary video in folder download so that we can playback the video while it is downloading, thank you!