
Add CD to automate workflows for deployment

benjaminkostiuk opened this issue · 0 comments

  • Add Github actions to automate CD workflows
  • Investigate deployments and hosting on MS Azure
  • Procure domain for puff with Student Starter for MS Azure
  • Deploy course-management using app service + automated workflow
  • Deploy test-runner using app service + automated workflow
  • Deploy config-server using app service + automated workflow
  • Deploy keycloak server connected to the hosted MySQL database.
  • Setup and configure APIM with endpoints for each service
    • Setup throttling
  • Setup a hosted MySQL database with databases for each env (30%)
  • Secure a domain for puff: purchased puff.codes
  • Configure subdomain for api calls api.puff.codes with CNAME record
  • Configure an email domain for puff ($2.18/month) + update repos
  • Restrict IP firewall for microservices to only accept requests from APIM to reduce individual security
  • Switch over to using MS key vault for application secrets instead of the app service page for passwords and credentials.