
css version available?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

i see that you are using less files to display css,
is there any way to get css files?

i tried compiling less to css but getting errors saying some .less files missing.


See dist/assets/css/main.css

Thanks for that.

looking further i found that, you are compiling main.css and .less files are used only for style switcher... you did a great job for newbies.

however i have another question:
how can i disable hover menu option on pages like dashboard, tables etc.
i want sub-menu to appear just like Auto-Collapse demo in http://demo.onokumus.com/metisMenu/index.html

Are you using original metisMenu or using any custom version of it?


Remove this line for custom script and recompile it.


Are you using original metisMenu or using any custom version of it?

No, this metismenu.js developed for metis admin.


Thanks for that,
i removed only in concat.js as i will be adding metisMenu which needs $('#menu').metisMenu(); anyway sand its working now but has another problem.
when i hover, its showing menu
when i click, its showing menu inside ( i only need this one) how can i remove showing second level menu on hover option?
