
2 meta name="description" after installing yoast seo.

hiomkarpatel opened this issue · 4 comments

I am using Yoast SEO Snippet to add Title and Meta description to my posts. On checking page source code i can find to <meta name="description". One is added by yoast seo and another is automatically generated by theme. If excerpt of the specified in post unite theme uses that excerpt for <meta name="description". Having 2 meta description is not at all a good practice for seo. I have tried every possible way to stop automatic meta name description generation in theme but failed. Please help me to stop automatic generation of meta description. Wordpress url is https://moviehdapkdownload.com. I am using child theme.

@ome999 - I just checked your site and it's showing just one meta description tag. Are you referring to the <meta property="og:description"> tag that's also being shown?

Thanks for the Quick Reply, I am not referring to the <meta property="og:description">. Please check the pictures.
This description is added by YOAST SEO
This one is Autogenerated by theme. Its 355 Charaters long

Please Email me if you want to wordpress dashboard access to fix this issue.

@ome999 - This seems a question better fit for the Support forums, which you can reach, here: https://colorlib.com/wp/forums/forum/unite-support/