
Test migration for transition from basic to advanced modular support

Closed this issue · 2 comments


  1. with pulp 2.16 create and sync modular repo
  2. upgrade to 2.17, run migration
  3. ensure yum_repo_metadata_file which contained modules.yaml was removed from the repo
  4. instead modulemd and modulemd_defaults content were identified and associated to the repo
  5. list of repositories to re-publish was provided (by migration)

This issue should be manual tested. Right now, we do not have any test that update Pulp version.

We do have a Jenkins job to update Pulp version, but not a test per se.

Hi Team,

Have verified this manually. Was able to see the yum_repo_metadata_file field in p2.16 got removed and replaced with modulemd and modulemd_defaults fields after upgrade to p2.17.

Thus closing this one out.
