
Update author in setup.py

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Creating Pulp Smash issues

  1. Describe what you expected to happen.

setup.py should list contact information for someone currently involved in the project.

  1. Describe what actually happened.

setup.py lists the following:

    author="Jeremy Audet",
  1. Describe what version of Pulp Smash and what OS is affected by the issue.

The master branch (VERSION is 1!0.7.0) is affected.

  1. State steps to re-create the issue.

grep author setup.py, and examine output.

  1. Choose proper labels. See: Smash Labels

No can do. I don't have permissions for that.

Creating Pulp issues

  1. Issues related to Pulp 2 should be created on Pulp 2 Tests

  2. Issues related to Pulp 3 should be created on pulp.plan.io. Choose the tags Pulp 3 and Functional test.

Already resolved by a9c3bc7.