
Trailing slash in distribution base_url - distributions.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Track the discussion of 3412, related to the use of trailing slash in distribution base_url field, and based on the final decision update the gen_distribution function.

See also: 886

The gen_distribution function can append a trailing slash if selectors.bug_is_testable(3412, cfg.pulp_version). Is that a reasonable solution?

If they decide for a different approach, this solution will not fit.

Good point. Perhaps something like this could be placed into the method?

if selectors.bug_is_testable(3412, config.get_config().pulp_version):
        'The base_url field may be malformed. See: https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3412'

And yes, I understand that plumbum emits gobs of warnings, and that they can drown out a warning like this. But in a technical sense, this seems correct. And I'd like to drop plumbum anyway.

I'm dropping the "plan" tag in favor of the "discussion" tag, as there's not yet a plan of action that has been settled on.

I like this idea, then when the status of 3142 changes, this will work as a reminder.
Perhaps this approach may be used for other important issues that we want to monitor.

Sounds like a plan to me. :p