
Test auto distribution of a repository

Closed this issue · 3 comments

  1. Create repository 'foo'
  2. Create version 1 of repository 'foo'
  3. Create a File publisher named 'bar'
  4. Create distribution 'zip' and set the 'repository' to repository 'foo'.
  5. Create a publication of 'foo' repository version 1
  6. Check that distribution 'zip' now has publication set to the publication created in step 5.
  7. Create 'foo' repository version 2 by adding some content.
  8. Create a publication using 'foo' repository version 2
  9. Check that distribution 'zip' now has publication set to the publication created in step 8.
  10. Check that content add in step 7 is now available to download from distribution 'zip'.

There is no http://pulp.plan.io/issues/ associated with, but this issue is part of the MVP document.

As per MVP:

As a user, I want a newly created publication to be automatically served by the content as defined by distributions.

  1. Create distribution 'zip' and set the 'repository' to repository 'foo'.

should be

4) Create distribution 'zip' and set the 'repository' to repository 'foo' and a 'publisher' to publisher 'bar'

See also: #917 and #883