
Convert pulp-selinux docs to new stack

Closed this issue · 7 comments

The general workflow for this task can be found here.

The general workflow for this task can be found here.

That document shows a permission denied.

My bad, I've changed read permissions. See if that works now.

Still uses private data:

The motivation behind having tmp_dir is explained in this presentation (3 min).
Also requires a login.

It's still not clear to me what this issue is about. Do you want to move things from README to some other place?

I've created this issue for all repositories that should be included in the new pulp-docs. The md document explain how it should work in general.

But for this particular repo, its enough to:

  • create the base dir structure as suggested in the workflow (may be necessary to add .gitkeep files)
  • copy the README.md to staging_docs/admin/tutorials/quickstart.md
  • copy the RELEASING.md to staging_docs/dev/guides/release.md (because its different than others)

I just realized I can't share the Miro board outside redhat, but that wont be necessary here, anyway.

This case is specially simple, but if you are interested you are welcome to show up in the Docs Office Hours to learn more.
You can found more about it here.

I just realized I can't share the Miro board outside redhat, but that wont be necessary here, anyway.

I could probably use my Red Hat login, but I hold my colleagues to a higher standard. Open source development means using public resources.

Sure, I'll look for an alternative for sharing it, it was not my intention to keep it private.
Thanks for pointing it out.