
Get objc-codegenutils into Homebrew.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

This is a nice repo mate, let's it working with Cocoapods to reach more coder.

I think support to install with Homebrew is more compatible way with this project.
Some project takes the approach. (e.g mogenerator)

It's easy enough to add a brew formula but we need an archive URL to download the source from. A GitHub release would be great for this purpose, even if it's a 0.0.1.

That is to say, I'll write the formula and submit it if we can get a release.

I see. we need binary release in any case.

puls commented

I'll work to get it in Homebrew.

I just submitted a pull request to Homebrew with a formula - sorry for the double commit mention above. Not sure what their process is for reviewing pull requests, but hopefully it'll make it in soonish.

Available in Homebrew now - brew install objc-codegenutils