
Syntax error in Python SDK AwsConnector

JimMadge opened this issue · 3 comments

What happened?

Importing awsconnector/outputs.py fails due to a syntax error.


Minimal example

from pulumi_azure_native.awsconnector import outputs

print("Hello world!")

The python error is

from . import outputs
  File ".../python3.12/site-packages/pulumi_azure_native/awsconnector/outputs.py", line 57151
    topic_arn: Optional[str] = None,
SyntaxError: duplicate argument 'topic_arn' in function definition

You can see in that file the duplicate argument in the __init__ method of NotificationConfigurationResponse,

class NotificationConfigurationResponse(dict):
    Definition of NotificationConfiguration
    def __init__(__self__, *,
                 event_bridge_configuration: Optional['outputs.EventBridgeConfigurationResponse'] = None,
                 lambda_configurations: Optional[Sequence['outputs.LambdaConfigurationResponse']] = None,
                 notification_types: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                 queue_configurations: Optional[Sequence['outputs.QueueConfigurationResponse']] = None,
                 topic_arn: Optional[str] = None,
                 topic_arn: Optional[str] = None,
                 topic_configurations: Optional[Sequence['outputs.TopicConfigurationResponse']] = None,
                 topic_status: Optional[str] = None):
        Definition of NotificationConfiguration

Output of pulumi about

pulumi about
Version      3.134.1
Go Version   go1.23.1
Go Compiler  gc

OS       darwin
Version  14.5
Arch     arm64

Name           pulumi.com
URL            https://app.pulumi.com/JimMadge
User           JimMadge
Organizations  JimMadge
Token type     personal

Additional context

First encountered this in a test suite where it seems that a package being used is parsing all project and dependency Python files, not sure if that is a factor.


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Hi @JimMadge, apologies for the issue. It seems that the Azure spec defines different types with the same name here. We'll add a disambiguation that should clean this up.

Hi @thomas11, no problem, thanks for the swift reply.

Let me know if there is any thing I can do to help.

This issue has been addressed in PR #3658 and shipped in release v2.68.0.