
Plan for stable release

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Issue details

Pulumi Java is currently in public preview.
What is the plan for a stable release so that all the features from other well supported languages like typescript are available to the Java ecosystem?

Affected area/feature

Hi @YanishR, thanks for raising this! We're actually actively looking at this, evaluating whether there is anything critical that's missing before we'd consider Pulumi Java stable, keeping in mind that we already have many users using it successfully as it is. Is there anything critical that's missing that we should be considering from your perspective?

Hey @justinvp, thanks for taking the time to respond ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Off the top of my head, the automation API and transforms capability are not yet available for the java ecosystem. I do occasionally stumble upon functionality that simply isn't implemented in Java such as getClusters from the AWS EKS module.
I also have seen docs missing for Java, and furthermore, very few examples for Java as compared to other languages.

I will comment if I do find more core functionality missing from the Pulumi Java ecosystem, thanks again!

Hi @justinvp -

I would like to chime in on the following observations having had consumed the Pulumi Java SDK on our Platform buildout.

  • Older api version(s) in some areas of Azure, example would be Managed Environments in Pulumi-native Azure. In other languages you can specify things such as "azure-native:app/v20240301:ManagedEnvironment". We were able to grab the source from Maven central and annotate various things with the newer API string, but it would be nice to not have to do this

  • Pulumi Package support would be nice in Java as we'd like to ship reusable components to our consumers who we would prefer are using something higher level such as YAML. It is our understanding that package support in Java is not ready yet. The cross-language interoperability is important to us, and we were taken by surprise that Java support doesn't exist here.

Thank you