
Improve non-existent field error message by checking if the field fits into the parent object

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Issue details

After responding to pulumi/pulumi-aws#3632, I thought that my response could (and should) be automated. YAML is all about nesting, and it's pretty common to accidentally mis-nest something. Our documentation doesn't always help there.

Consider this example:

    type: aws:lambda:Function
        s3Bucket: ${s3_bucket_lambda_code.bucket}
        s3Key: helloworld.zip
      code: Cannot assign '{s3Bucket: string, s3Key: string}' to 'archive'

Both s3Bucket and s3Key are valid fields in properties. We could provide a much more helpful error message here:

      code: Cannot assign '{s3Bucket: string, s3Key: string}' to 'archive'
        Consider moving 's3Bucket: ${s3_bucket_lambda_code.bucket}' up one level to 'properties'
        Consider moving 's3Key: helloworld.zip' up one level to 'properties'

Affected area/feature

This feature is restricted to Pulumi YAML's error reporting system.