
Pdf2Images is REST server for converting PDFs to Images. It uses NodeJS to call command line tools.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PDFs to Images

PDFs to Images is tool for converting PDFs. It uses NodeJS and calls commandline tools for converting PDFs.

Install these tools also

Command line tool


mkdir to
npm install
node index.js --file=PATH_TO_PDF --to=./to/ --render=svg

  • --file Absolute path to pdf
  • --to where images are rendered
  • --render svg or png


There is REST server for converting images. Usage:

mkdir uploads
mkdir to
npm install
node server.js --render=png --to=/to --upload=/uploads --port=8080

  • --render svg or png
  • --to path to render images (Relative path)
  • --upload upload path for pdfs (Relative path)
  • --port Port for server


###Test online At the moment there is online test tool in this address:

###License MIT