
Unused argument error

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I'm installing the opencast bundle inside PuMuKIT 4.0 (docker deployment) and got the following error:

Executing script cache:clear [KO]
Script cache:clear returned with error code 1
!!  In ResolveBindingsPass.php line 84:
!!    A binding is configured for an argument named "$template" under "_defaults"  
!!     in file "/srv/pumukit/vendor/teltek/pumukit-opencast-bundle/DependencyInje  
!!    ction/../Resources/config/pumukit_opencast.yaml", but no corresponding argu  
!!    ment has been found. It may be unused and should be removed, or it may have  
!!     a typo.                                                                     

If I comment the bind of $template in pumukit_opencast.yaml the error is gone:

$template: '%pumukit_notification.template%'

Maybe it's missing in one of the services?