
Off-line sync

xzavrel opened this issue ยท 26 comments

thank you for the job you did with the app. One of the main goal I want from the desktop app is off-line sync. You wrote "However there are ways to use windows app using this code to have offline capabilities" what exactly does it mean? And what is the problem with off-line sync? It's a technology issue?

It's not a technology issue, the app that Notion made for Mac and Windows work in Linux as well. I'll explain the steps later in this conversation. However, spell-check does not work(though you can switch it off). One thing to note is Notion's offline mode is less than desirable, but sometimes useful. For this reason I have configured both application (Native Notion and Lotion) on my Linux.

Native Notion does not have tray icon(which I find very useful), also have Menu which you can not hide, while in Lotion you can hide and see menu at any time by pressing Alt.

So, if anyways you want Native Notion app, just Download the Windows app from their webpage.
Next, Extract the exe like this:
Now go in extracted folder in the following location Notion Setup 0.3.0/$PLUGINSDIR/app-64/resources/
Next, copy app.asar and paste it to lotion's Notion/resources folder.
Lastly, rename old app folder to something other than app
That's it, now next time when you will open Notion you will see native UI

Let me know how it goes, and if you get it to work we can close this issue.


I was able to get Notion desktop running on Ubuntu 19.04 without issues using this method. I'll report back if anything strange happens.

Hi, I am also running Ubuntu 19.04 but I can't extract the exe file - 'An error occurred while loading the archive'. Any idea why this might be?
I was able to (accidentally) install with wine, and it now mostly works (most of the built-in icons are missing, and pdfs won't open fully). So, not the end of the world.

@RyanRix I think you need to install 7z and unrar

I think you can do that using
sudo apt install p7zip-rar
sudo apt install unrar

and then you can extract certain exes and mainly Notion's executable

Thanks @puneetsl that worked fine. It seems to be all OK now. I was running the web client (and sometimes the Windows client on a virtual machine) but this looks the best way.

Can't make it work. It gets "stuck" trying to update or something on every minute:

17:47:43.666 โ€บ Checking for app update
17:47:44.063 โ€บ No app update available
17:48:44.067 โ€บ Checking for app update
17:48:44.421 โ€บ No app update available
17:49:44.434 โ€บ Checking for app update
17:49:44.708 โ€บ No app update available
17:50:44.719 โ€บ Checking for app update
17:50:45.009 โ€บ No app update available
17:51:45.022 โ€บ Checking for app update
17:51:45.322 โ€บ No app update available

Maybe it's some aditional check on new release

Yup, they have added this check for updates for specific operating systems and since it is not supported on Linux you would go in an infinite loop :)
There are ways to hack the contents of asar to stop doing that but I would not advise doing that. Let it be and use the app without offline access.

Does this mean offline access is unavailable for this app?

I have updated the app, all the above steps worked for me. Try again if you want to have native notion.


Hi, I'm getting issues with both lotion and native lotion. When I finally got the install.sh to execute, (which was not trivial with lots of permission errors and file does not exist errors) I am able to open a desktop version of lotion (without a desktop icon), but I need to log in every time. I get an error in the app that says:

"Cannot save my changes. You can no longer make edits: Cannot open IndexedDB. Your chrome profile may be damaged."

I tried getting native notion using the above method and was able to move the app.asar to the correct folder, but I still don't have a desktop application for native notion. I should note that I needed to manually move the lotion.desktop to my /usr/share/applications in order for notion to open outside of the terminal. Any tips here? Notion is my favorite productivity app and I recently started using linux.

It seems to be working for me. Thx @puneetsl. For anyone having trouble, make sure to follow the instructions correctly
The logo is not showing up on docker, but besides that, it seems to be working fine

How to repair it:
throw err;

Error: Cannot find module '/home/pan_rijovic/ะ—ะฐะณั€ัƒะทะบะธ/lotion-
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:683:15)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:601:27)
at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:904:10)
at internal/main/run_main_module.js:24:11

It's not a technology issue, the app that Notion made for Mac and Windows work in Linux as well. I'll explain the steps later in this conversation. However, spell-check does not work(though you can switch it off). One thing to note is Notion's offline mode is less than desirable, but sometimes useful. For this reason I have configured both application (Native Notion and Lotion) on my Linux.

Native Notion does not have tray icon(which I find very useful), also have Menu which you can not hide, while in Lotion you can hide and see menu at any time by pressing Alt.

So, if anyways you want Native Notion app, just Download the Windows app from their webpage.
Next, Extract the exe like this:
Now go in extracted folder in the following location Notion Setup 0.3.0/$PLUGINSDIR/app-64/resources/
Next, copy app.asar and paste it to lotion's Notion/resources folder.
Lastly, rename old app folder to something other than app
That's it, now next time when you will open Notion you will see native UI

Let me know how it goes, and if you get it to work we can close this issue.


How did you configure both applications or you just separated both Notion installations. Thanks

As for "no icon in dock" issue (It was on my ubuntu 18.04), I just change:
in my ~/.local/share/applications/Lotion.desktop
Hope it helps someone!

Hi trying to do this but it seems like it doesn't work in the lotion folder I can only see Lotion/resources/app so do you want us to create a new folder named Notion/resources in the lotion folder or rename the folder app in lotion/Lotion/resources to something else then place the app.asar inside lotion/Lotion/resources.

Because I can't see Notion folder inside lotion folder.

Kindly assist, I would really love to have the offline mode for moments when my PC is offline.

Related: check out this for a prebuilt .deb package of the native windows app.

Thank you @BachoSeven, let me give it a try :)

As for "no icon in dock" issue (It was on my ubuntu 18.04), I just change:
in my ~/.local/share/applications/Lotion.desktop
Hope it helps someone!

Worked for a similar issue i faced: On my Zorin OS 15.2 (Ubuntu based) there was no notion icon anymore but a default icon that wasn't grouped with the Notion launcher icon in the dock.

I am not able to install the notion on Ubuntu 20 latest
Can you please guided me where I and going wrong.
All steps followed and the last one in my home dir
sudo ./install.sh All files were Ok. No errors.


@sanjaygeeky It looks like the installation was succesful, you just need to launch the app from inside the Lotion folder I guess. If you want to have a menu icon pop up in the
ubuntu app menu, you'll probably have to move Lotion.desktop to ~/.local/share/applcations.

Thanks. This is done. Now how to invoke the app ? as this installtion goes to internet

I'm afraid I didn't really understand your last comment. If you mean how to launch the application, try to open it from the menu, it should be there now. With regards to offline
usage, have a look in the README's installation section for instructions on installing the "native" version, or try out an
alternative solution like the one I mentioned above

Hey Bacho I have got the solution you install the native notion app and thats all post unistalling the notion app.

Hi guys, adding my 2cents here.

When I cloned this repo and run ./install.sh, it threw an error:

bash: ./install.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

After searching for a while, it turns out the issue is caused by writing the script in Windows env and trying to run it in Linux env.

A super easy way to make it work is to use dos2unix (it can be easily installed by sudo apt install dos2unix)

cd into the folder where you have the code, then

dos2unit *.sh

then run the ./install.sh

Hope it helps.

Thanks for @puneetsl for the great efforts to port Notion in Ubuntu


hi there
I've run both the install and install native commands - there are no errors.
But i cannot get Lotion or Notion to run. There doesn't seem to be an applications folder in:
./local/share - and I'm not sure what to put there beyond creating the folder 'applications'
Any assistance would be great!

hi there
I've run both the install and install native commands - there are no errors.
But i cannot get Lotion or Notion to run. There doesn't seem to be an applications folder in:
./local/share - and I'm not sure what to put there beyond creating the folder 'applications'
Any assistance would be great!

Hey Ryan make a copy of Lotion.desktop say Lotion.desktopcp. Copy/Move the Lotion.desktop from /lotion to cp Lotion.desktop ~/.local/share/applications Check now. It will appear as Lotion. edit the desktop file to change Name[en_US]=Lotion
to Name[en_US]=Notion
Hope this helps