
Super 1997 4-in-1 [p1] flickering

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Super 1997 4-in-1 [p1] flickering

@vicde Please attach a save state when you report such issues. Have you checked if this also happens with the original ROM?

Since it's a pirate rom, may be this is a bad dump or something like this. I think you can close this issue. Thanks for support.

@punesemu If you want to look into it, here's a save state:

Super 1997 4-in-1 [p1].zip


This doesn't happen with the original ROM.

Hi @vicde, thx for the report, I'll try to take a look at it in my mapper implementation but being a pirated rom it's very likely that it's a bug in the rom itself.

@anewuser thx for the save state!

I haven't found any errors in my implementation of the 219 mapper. I consider this issue closed at least until someone checks the rom on real hardware.